Some weeks back a small number of residents from the Steering Group and our councillors Olwyn Gunn and Fraser Tinsley attended a meeting with decision makers from the council in County Hall to talk more about the proposed asset transfer of the lower pitches of the Hunwick Rec to Bishop Auckland Girls FC.

It’s clear to us that we’re having an impact on these proceedings as a number of important elements of the council’s story have changed since we spoke with them last. And although we say it every time, we really couldn’t have this impact without your support – so thanks to all of you who continue to raise the issue and keep the message alive.

We’ve provided more detail below, for those who wish to read it.

The council provided representation from ‘Assets’ and ‘Culture, Creative & Sport’ but were not able to provide a representative from ‘Highways’ to support a detailed discussion about the issue of traffic and safety which remains at the top of residents concerns.

While it would’ve been possible to speak for hours across a range of themes which residents have raised we had limited time and elected to make 3 points, as clearly as possible. Those were.

  1. Provide some more history and context about why this area is so important to residents. We spoke about the eye-sore of the old heaps and how the creation of the Rec was making amends for the years of anti-social behaviour it had created. We provided further details and research on the reported contamination of the land and how events to-date have already forced many local residents to be forced away from the land given the concerns about safety.
  2. We showed evidence of the extreme usage of the area last year; making the point that encouraging even light additional traffic to the area creates a highly unsafe experience for walkers, children and animals. We spoke specifically about the flashpoints created at the two blind bends; with cars simultaneously arriving and leaving causing traffic to back-up on several occasions and asked officers to consider how emergency services might be able to access a sick individual in such situations, etc.
  3. And lastly we did our best to reflect the mood of the village; reflecting on the many conversations we’ve had about the worries of many as the football club looks to return this year. We asked the council who was accountable for the current situation should the accident which many residents feel is inevitable occur (They didn’t answer that one!). We went on to say that residents are not going away on this topic and that allowing time to pass will not soften the message or allow them to slip the issue through unnoticed.

The council made a number of interesting points, and committed to several actions.

  1. They acknowledged concerns around traffic and parking, they agreed to consult with Highways about the traffic and the safety issues around Hepworth lane. We asked that they do this in a transparent way – including our councillors in those discussions to ensure that we get an unbiased account of the feedback.
  2. Officers confirmed that the seasonal licence the football club currently operates under has restrictions and conditions. We have now received those terms and conditions which include key points on not exceeding the allocated parking and not creating inconvenience to other users of the area or the adjacent land.
  3. The council told us that (despite telling us the football club were in a ’10 week process to build a business case’ back in November) that an asset transfer was ‘a long way off’ and cited, 2 years, 1 year or ‘maybe 6 months’ as examples of time-scales which they may now be working to.

It’s now some weeks since the meeting; and we’re still awaiting details of how the council and the club plan to ensure that access to the site is safe for pedestrians and have asked further questions about reinstating the path down Rough Lea as to provide some additional safety for residents. We know that little can be achieved on Hepworth Lane – but ensuring the safe passage for pedestrians during the busy times would improve the situation for some.

We’ll continue our productive work with councillors, Olwyn and Fraser to whom we’re very grateful for their support and will be in touch in June with any additional developments.