Proposed Asset Transfer: Resident Survey Results

In November 2023, following the revelation that the Bishop Auckland Girls FC had applied for funding, and were actively in discussions with Durham County Council about having a large area of Hunwick’s recreation ground transferred to them a number of villagers came together to survey the village on what was known about their plans an ambitions.

On investigation, the club had highlighted a number of ambitions for the area over recent years.

A Northern Echo article, wrongly claiming a lease had been issued captured the following quote

The club has plans to create fenced in 3G football pitches on site and eventually build a clubhouse.

Beth Robinson

The club have also been observed attempting to gain funding for a ‘Clubhouse’ from a Persimmon Homes funding application.

A text message from the Chairman highlighted a desire to ‘fence in’ the area.

In order to improve the quality of the pitches /get a container/clubhouse we will need to access big funding pots from the football foundation. They won’t provide big grants if the pitches are not fenced off. We have signed a lease however its been put on hold as we are being told by the County Council that we won’t be allowed to fence off the pitches as they will get opposition from people within the village. At the moment we have one portaloo and on a Wednesday we have up to 150 girls training between 5 and 7.30

Ian Quigley

When councillors and residents attempted to seek clarity through a public consultation, the club showed a critical unwillingness to engage with residents. (Image 1 & Image 2).

The Survey


The survey was completed via two means.

  1. Website, with instructions for those who completed surveys to email their results, name and address to the Hunwick & Willington councillors.
  2. Physical Surveys delivered by letter-drop, with over 600 surveys posted through the doors of all properties in Hunwick by a team of volunteers, with completed surveys dropped at community locations
  3. On the evening of the Public Consultation (1st November 2023).

Note: The Website results are known to be mildly contaminated by submissions from non-residents, specifically by vocal parents of the BAGFC girls.

Respondents were given 4 statements, and asked to demonstrate how much they agreed with it.

  1. The football club should be allowed to fence off the area
  2. The current access to the site is acceptable during match-days
  3. The football club should be allowed to create a club-house
  4. The football club should be granted a long-term lease / ownership of the area


Physical Survey Data

The football club should be allowed to fence off the areaThe current access to the site is acceptable during match-daysThe football club should be allowed to create a club-houseThe football club should be granted a long-term lease / ownership of the area
Strongly Agree0400
Strongly Disagree133104107126
Comments Collected18

Website Only

The football club should be allowed to fence off the areaThe current access to the site is acceptable during match-daysThe football club should be allowed to create a club-houseThe football club should be granted a long-term lease / ownership of the area
Strongly Agree11388
Strongly Disagree55543561
Comments Collected54


These results show the combined website + physical (letter drop + consultation) results.

The football club should be allowed to fence off the areaThe current access to the site is acceptable during match-daysThe football club should be allowed to create a club-houseThe football club should be granted a long-term lease / ownership of the area
Strongly Agree11788
Strongly Disagree188158142187
Comments Collected72