After much cajoling, chasing and escalating we’re happy to confirm that council officers have re-engaged with villagers and have committed to answering the follow up questions posed by residents after the consultation in December. This commitment has been made by the corporate director Amy Harhoff who reports directly to the Chief Executive.

Attention from such senior officers is a big step forward and is thanks in no small part due to the tenacity of our councillors Olwyn and Fraser who have escalated our concerns about being ignored to the highest levels in Durham County Council. The answers are to be provided by our councillors at a date yet to be specified; but we will update this website when more is known.

We’ve also asked Fraser and Olwyn to provide a similar update on their Facebook page as we know that there’s a perception that things have ‘gone quiet’ on this issue which, we can assure you is not the case and the members of the steering group continue to push to ensure the views of Hunwick residents are heard loud and clear by decision makers in Durham County Council and the Football Association.

Please do your best to get the word out about this website and the newsletter, as we saw in the summer posting updates to Facebook is difficult and so this website and the newsletter is the most reliable means of updating you all.